Saturday, May 17, 2008

Angelina's twins joy

Angelina Jolie confirms that she is expecting twins after co-star Jack Black lets her secret slip

Actress Angelina Jolie revealed on GMTV this morning her surprise when Jack Black let slip she was expecting twins!

Asked by Jenni Falconer if Black's comments came as a bit of a shock, Jolie laughingly replied: "Yes it was... it was not planned."

Asked if her kids were looking forward to the new additions, the Tomb Raider star said, "They are, yes...they all understand because they, you know, because of Shiloh, so we've already been through this.

"But now we've got our three-year-old and our four-year-old keep saying that they have animals in their belly!

"So our daughter keeps saying that she's got little piggies and she has to eat brownies because the piggies need to eat brownies. And our 4-year-old thinks, you know, says he's got monkeys. So... it's become fun in the house."

Baby secret

Cheeky Jack Black claimed the slip up wasn't his fault and he thought everyone knew Jolie was having twins!

"I don't even know how I knew that she had twins," said Black. "I thought that everyone knew. I think everyone did know. Wasn't it on the internet she had twins? It just wasn't 'official'...She could have said, 'What? I don't have twins.' So I blame her."

Angelina was then asked if she'd like to reveal anything about Black for revenge. "Oh God, I wish I had the time - I'd think of something really good."

She added. "But the problem with Jack is he's just so out there – he just tells you everything anyway. He doesn't seem to have any real secrets, that's the problem with him. But I'm going to work on that - I'm going to get him back."

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